The Arts in Wollongong – From the Grass Roots Up

Metro Orion
May 31, 2009, 11:52 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Metro Orion, a radical new take on Science Fiction is due to come out late this July. Filmed in Wollongong it is the areas first work of this nature. Directed by Aaron Kernaghan and staring, Daniel Nittel as main character/protagonist Arthrun Kodan, Kieran Hoyle as Ekims and Emma Darragh as Gleynne Orky.

The cast blog for the topic sums up the story;

For decades refugees from the Eridani Star System have been
covertly sheltered by the people of the Earth
– giving them protection from a civil war
that has brought chaos to their home world.

Now the Eridani have come
to claim back their people.

Earth’s undersized and mismatched Star Navy
stands between the Eridani and their prize.

Metro Orion revolves around the idea of ‘grace under fire’ as Aaron Kernaghan told me in an interview and the Films unusual namesake comes from the name of the deep space vessel belonging to Arthrun Kodan the Metro Orion – a metro being a type of space craft and the vessel itself named the Orion, for the nebula in the universe it was located in.

Set in the present day against the background of a secret war being fought between Earth and an alien-race named the Eridani. Earths’ special forces are the Star Navy, which operate from a base on the far side of the moon. Out gunned and out manned the brave souls of the Star navy fight an at times hopeless battle against the forces of evil – the eradani – yet the unwavering strength of the human spirit and friendship hold true.

Heavily influenced by the works of John Milton and Dante Alighieri, the story is divided into twelve volumes with each volume containing 4 individual films. The work follows the epic tradition of starting in medias res (Latin for in the midst of things), the background story being told in later stages of the storyline. The film is notable for its use of byronic heroes and numerous antagonists each with differing motivations.

This July, come see a movie destined to take your socks off.

The Poster for Metro Orion

The Poster for Metro Orion


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